Sunday, June 24, 2007

I Don't Update Very Much

It's about time I updated my blog. I hate to leave my readers waiting for new posts, but it's hard sometimes. How can I find time to update between taking naps and watching episodes of The Office? Talk about stress.

Jonathan and I will be married in 61 days. I'm looking forward to 62 days from now when we'll be on our way out of this state far far away from these crazy people I'm related to who always seem to have an opinion about everything I want for the wedding. What? Do they think they get a say just because they're related and footing the bill?? Pft. I did watch a great show on WE the other day called Bridezillas. Yikes. I'm not THAT bad. How do these girls find someone to marry them? Who wants to be stuck with that for the rest of their life? Oh wait... that's right... they'll be divorced in three to five. I'd bet money on it... if I had any left. Darn that mortgage!

We have to pay off our honeymoon in two weeks, so if any of you have been contemplating making a sizable donation to The Ramblings of my Mind, now would be the time. "Cough it up, pay the piper, gimme it." Oooo... threw the Friends quote right in the middle this time. I like to mix it up, keep you on your toes.

Ok, well it's late. I need to finish up here and head back home. That's right, Jonathan is living here at our house, I'm living with Mom and Dad. I just can't get enough!

Another Friends quote, just for kicks: "How you got three women to marry you, I'll never know."


Ian said...

Do I count as a "crazy person you're related to?" I don't have any opinions about your wedding.

Amy said...
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Amy said...

Are you footing the bill?? I believe the crazy people I was referring to were the ones writing checks.